Monday, July 7, 2008

What does Independence mean to you?


The Sista Girl Network said...

When I hear the word independence I think of responsibility and free will. Independence is often thought of as "self governing". In order to govern yourself effectively you have to be responsible. Responsibility requires maturity. As I mature in my walk with God I gain independence from the cares of this world. Celebrating independence is liberating, it is exciting but it cannot be enjoyed with out being handled responsibly.


Anonymous said...

Independence Day is a day of Patriots and demerging the lost souls that lost their lives ,protecting our country and other country's
that can not defend themselves. The main day of remembering

Anonymous said...

ndependence in recent years seem to focus on the millions of Americans to who fought and died to keep this great country free. As an African-American man, I focus on the dedication we have contributed to this country. Yes, Crispus Attucks was the first man to die in the American Revolution and yet slavery remained a source of shame for this country until the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Thirty-eight thousand Black soldiers fought in the Union Army during the Civil War and 25 won the Congressional Medal of Honor. Through all the atrocities African-Americans have endured since the time of slavery we have been true to the Declaration of Independence - except slavery. Our forefathers did not have guns and ships to fight the war of slavery but they did have a mighty weapon and that was prayer. So as we celebrate the fourth of July, let us remember that God is on our side. He had brought us from the slave house to possible the White House.

Anonymous said...

Independence to me is freedom, Being able to make your own choices.

Anonymous said...

Sadly as i have gotten older Independence day does not mean as much as it used too. When i was a child it was all about fireworks and food but now that i look back and see that at a time when thi coutry was just beginning to understand the meaning of freedom, our ancestors were still over 100 years from knowing that feeling. It makes in my mind at least the words thomas jefferson wrote in the declaration that much more hollow.

Anonymous said...

OH I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reminds me of a song " IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR THE LORD WHO WAS ON OUR SIDE" But I have to wonder are we really FREE? I mean in our minds/thoughts and actions? The freedom that Jesus Christ die for us? Some people are still in the shackles of this worlds system and dosen't really realize that with Christ there comes a freedom that NO MAN CAN GIVE!! The freedom to know that God has our Backs in any situation and if He cares for the birds of the air how much more valuable are we. The freedom that God LOVES US in what ever shape we are in FAT/SKINNY/POOR /RICH/BENT OVER OR STANDING STRAIGHT WHATEVER!! Man gives the award, but GOD GIVES US THE REWARD AMEN... My testimony LOVE U ALL Sista Rita R.